1 hour 29 minutes.
Truthful. Moving. Retrospective.
Disclaimer: I am a massive fan of Kanye’s music, but as a person, he’s complicated. I somewhat expected jeen-yuhs to be a Kanye puff piece. Three, one and a half hour episodes? Even as a Kanye fan, I initially thought that might be a drag. However, having finished the first episode, I am desperate for more. jeen-yus is less of a puff piece than it is a love letter to Kanye, to hip hop, and to the past. It combines an unbelievable amount of archive documentary footage with truly beautiful storytelling. The retrospective narration is almost Gatsby-esque, and creates a suspense that is so unexpected for a biographical series of one of the most famous musicians ever. Do you have to be a Kanye fan to enjoy this? Maybe not. It probably helps if you know who he is, and are somewhat interested in any music, but since that covers a decent percentage of the population, my bet is you’ll enjoy it.